Sunday, December 6, 2009

Can I steal a TicTac from you?

I generally ride the bus or train by myself, as a commuter. Not today!

My friend Carla is visiting from NYC, and we took a bus to North Beach to have brunch with Alicia, a new friend from NYC who is looking to move westward to San Francisco. The three of us, plus Alicia's 2 friends took a bus toward the Mission so she could look at an apartment there. Carla and I sat in front of her, facing sideways. Her friends sat across the aisle from her.

After a few stops, a man got on the bus and comes all the way to the back and sits in the back row that stretches across the entire length of the bus. He effectively was sitting between Alicia and her friends, but a row behind. Alicia's friends directed a question to me or Carla, and we had a cross aisle conversation that Alicia wasn't at that very moment a part of. The stranger, very loudly, asks, "Hey, can I steal a Tic Tac from you?"

We all look at him, he had just asked for a breath mint from Alicia who had just stashed them in her purse. He seemed to realize what a weird thing that was when we all looked at him and apologized for asking, but he still took the Tic Tac.

When we got off the bus, we all agreed it was weird, that he was hitting on Alicia (very poorly) and he probably didn't think all five of us were riding the bus together, and when he did, got shy that he was hitting on one of the five.

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