Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ghost Bus

I've been waiting to post the past few days because SF Muni has changed up a bunch of stuff, and I've been waiting to see how it would turn out. The first few days, it was just confusing. Even though I had looked at the website, as I was supposed to, and knew the new routes and new route names, it didn't make sense. Why, when a bus was scheduled to come every 8 minutes, was saying it would be an hour before the next? Why were buses showing up at the stops flashing, 'Not in Service' but taking passengers?

All very confusing. I called Muni yesterday to ask why my bus wasn't coming when it was supposed to, according to Apparently the buses were coming, but didn't know it.

This afternoon, though, everything worked perfectly. I left work and hustled to the bus stop because nextbus said 7 minutes until the next one home. I wasn't too worried, because in 15 minutes and then in 23 minutes, there would be another. I made it in plenty of time for the bus. When it pulled up, though, I was confused.

Usually my bus is super crowded. This bus was not super crowded. It was the opposite - less than half full (and no, this has nothing to do with my optimism or pessimism). In fact, I was so flabbergasted, I wondered if I was on the right bus? I was, but it certainly felt like a ghost bus. The changes SF Muni made to my route was to help alleviate the crowded-ness, so it looks like it worked. Now, let's just hope it wasn't an anomaly and that my ride home continues to be so easy. Stay tuned for updates.

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